Ivo Nilakreshna Passes Away – Sad news always brings tears to many people who are feeling it, including the news of the death of someone we love and know. Sad news has enveloped the country’s music industry again. Legendary musician Ivo Fauziah Hanum or better known as Ivo Nilakreshna died at the age of 83 years, Friday (20/5/2022) at around 14:22 WIB.
Before she breathed her last, Astrie Ivo’s mother underwent intensive treatment at the Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital (RSCM) Kencana. Until now, the cause of death of the singer, who started his career in 1956, is unknown.
The news of the death of Ivo Nilakreshna was conveyed by his daughter Baina Ivo through his Instagram account, by uploading a photo of his mother lying in the hospital using an oxygen tube.
“Innalilahi wa innalillahi rojiun, my beloved mother H. Ivo Fauziah Hanum bint TM has passed away. Usman El Muhammady on May 20, 2022, Friday at 14.22,” wrote Bania Ivo quoted Friday (20/5/2022)
“We as a family, please open the door, sorry if our mother made a mistake, intentionally or unintentionally,” wrote Baina Ivo.
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When this news was revealed, Ivo Nilakreshna’s body was still in the hospital. The plan is that the body will be buried at the funeral home in the Ampera area, South Jakarta.
This is known from a short message conveyed by the family who were spread among the media crew.
“The deceased will be buried at Jl. Kenanga no. 71, kaffir lime. Ampera, on Friday, May 20, 2022 at 17.00 WIB,” he wrote again.
After being buried in the funeral home, it is planned that the bodies of the musicians who own the recording and advertising company PT Nilakreshna Entertainment will be buried at the Tanah Kusir Public Cemetery (TPU), South Jakarta.
“God willing, he will be buried in the Tanah Kusir cemetery on Saturday, May 21, 2022, at 8.00 AM.” he wrote.…